Monday, May 26, 2008


Some of you have expressed intrest in updates and pictures from the Summer Camp Ranch. I have just recently started a blog for my family and got the idea that it could work for the ranch as well.

Check back for updated info on the ranch and hopefully some new pictures & videos. For those of you who have visited the ranch feel free to send me any pictures you have of the ranch or of your hunting party that I could add as well. It will be nice to share the good times and success you have had with other ranch visitors. Send your emails to me at this email address (


Brad Lambert

Aspen's First Hunt

Last Year (2007) I brought my oldest daughter, Aspen, with me on a late season Cow Elk hunt. It was here first hunting experience on the ranch; all her other visits were just summer visits consisting of riding horses & 4-wheelers and such.
She had a great time and cannot wait to come back this year. It's a little different having a little girl at huning camp, the burping and farting was minimized (Marc made sure it was not completely eliminated), and the language was cleaner!

Aspen was my chauffeur on the 4 wheeler, wherever we were going - Aspen was driving! She loves to ride the 4 wheelers. Next year we will bring down the 4 wheeler that's more her size - Santa Clause brought it to our family this past Chirstmas!

We had great time hunting together and Aspen soaked up all the talking I did trying to tell her everything there is to know about the mountians, animals, and hunting. (Mom doesn't know about the bear sign pictures, so keep these under your hats. Holly might freak out if she knew everything we did and everywhere we went!)

Thanks to Granpa Brian, Aspen was able to start learning to shoot with a new Youth sized .22 rifle. She's a pretty good shot!