Sunday, October 19, 2008

Muzzeloader Success for Brian!

After a few years of passing on smaller bucks, and a few misses on some shooters over the last few years - Brian connected with success on this years muzzeloader hunt. It was a good year for respectable bucks on the ranch; those of you who visited the ranch during the summer and fall this year can attest to this fact. One did not have to go far to see multiple quality bucks. (More Pictures to come later!)

Arnold was the trusted guide on this successful hunt. Some would say - The deer know his truck and do not run away when they see it coming - This may have contibuted to the success of this hunt! :)

No official score is availble on this buck, but most will agree that it is a respectable trophy buck. It will look good on the wall along with the other big bucks that have been taken from the Summercamp ranch over the years.

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